Advance Oklahoma's Kids Mission

Advance Oklahoma’s Kids is a statewide coalition of community members, advocates, parents, and educators who believe that our students can’t afford to wait for a quality education. We’re building a movement in support of equitable funding, fair and just discipline, and equitable outcomes in public education so that our public schools are stronger for the benefit of all Oklahomans.

Education Equity

Excellent public schools that meet the needs of all Oklahoma students can be a reality if we fight for it. All students should have an equal chance to succeed no matter their race, zip code, or economic status. By leveling the playing field and providing support to students who need it most, we build up the next generation of Oklahomans who will create a brighter future for us all.

Discipline Equity

All students, regardless of their background, should only face fair and consistent discipline that helps them grow. By doing so, we not only promote a safe and nurturing learning environment, but also empower students to make a positive impact on their communities which makes Oklahoma a better place to live.

Equity in Outcomes

We must make sure every child in Oklahoma's public schools has access to the tools they need to succeed including counselors, services for disabilities, and safe schools. We’re committed to stopping the school-to-prison pipeline by addressing disparities in student experience and opportunities across our state.

We Value:

Evidence-backed, Data-driven Solutions: We ground our advocacy in what works, and what creates better outcomes for Oklahoma students. We learn from each other and those in the field, and we’re not afraid to drop what isn’t working in order to deliver better results.  

Education Justice: We will hold the education system accountable to make sure public schools provide students with the meaningful support and resources they need to thrive, including a healthy learning environment that yields positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes. This is especially true for those who have traditionally been denied full access to quality public education. 

Restorative Justice:  Public schools can foster better outcomes for students by cultivating belonging and mutual care through restorative justice. This approach centers everyone’s needs and values, building trust and respect. When harm occurs, restorative conversations repair relationships, promote understanding and support growth. We advocate for this to be utilized in all Oklahoma schools.

Racial Equity: For too long, quality education experiences and outcomes have varied based on students’ racial and ethnic identity. We strive to build a public school system that acknowledges this reality and takes action to correct inequities for the benefit of all students, no matter their identity. 

Community: We understand the power, wisdom and support for this work comes from the communities we represent. We will intentionally uplift the voices and perspectives of young people, parents, families and education practitioners in our work to ensure we are truly addressing the needs and challenges they face. 

Inclusivity: Advance Oklahoma’s Kids is a big tent — we do not work in service of a single demographic, group or identity, nor will we turn anyone away who shares our values, even if their perspective differs from our own. We want every Oklahoman to see themselves as part of this movement to create stronger public schools and a brighter future for our state

Our students can’t afford to wait any longer for a quality education. Our leaders need to adequately fund public schools now.